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A Sweet Father's Day Tradition: Nutella Waffles

A Sweet Father's Day Tradition: Nutella Waffles

By: Beverly Paul-Cooper

I would say at least half of my comfort films are immersed in tradition. I like coziness and consistency and to me, those seem to be synonymous with the many traditions we cultivate throughout our lives. A big part of the celebratory experiences that I love to embrace is the celebration of the people around us. Growing up a pretty unsentimental child has turned me into a VERY sentimental adult, and it brings with it a lot of joy to honor and celebrate those around me.

My husband is one of these people. He is wonderfully creative and kind and just an all around chill person others just love being around. To celebrate him, in any shape or form, is life giving to me because it is just so easy to want to do things for him and affirm him, and when it comes to Father’s Day it is no different! In our family we like to focus on experiences and thoughtfulness as opposed to lots of gift giving, not that gift giving isn’t appreciated but it's not at the core of how we communicate our love for one another! One of the experiences we do like to partake in is enjoying good and unique foods, they could be simple or extravagant, expensive or low cost, I would have to say that food almost always plays a part in our celebration.

Disney always seems to find a way to help us celebrate one another and special occasions. I can recall that before my husband and I got married he would often tell me about this yummy dessert at Magic Kingdom in Disney World called a nutella waffle. I had actually never had nutella and was eager to try this treat. Imagine, a glorious, fluffy waffle, topped with dollops of hazelnut nutella and fresh strawberries and bananas. I was already smitten with my  future husband by then, but that day, I too was smitten with the nutella waffle. Since we got married, this treat has been a recurring slice of goodness for many celebrations, especially Father’s Day. Except now, I have an extra set of hands to help stir the waffle batter, with the help of our daughter Caris. 

This Father’s Day will be spent on the road, traveling home from seeing family, but together we shall be daydreaming of our next excuse to make some yummy nutella waffles.

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